We work on all makes and models of locks. Do you have too many keys on your key ring? We can rekey the locks in your house to work with just one key! Antique locks, mortise locks, knobs, or leversets--we service them all.
We have the largest selection of key blanks around - over 10,000 in stock. Looking for that hard to find blank? Come visit us! We probably have it in stock, and if not, we will gladly order it for you.
We carry most car key blanks. We can make "factory-cut" keys by code when you've lost your keys. Lockouts are one of our specialties, and we gladly accept AAA and Cross Country Roadside Assistance programs.
Boone's Locksmith Shop can install new locks and deadbolts in your house. All of our work is done in a professional manner. Deadbolts can be added and keyed to the same key as existing locks, so one key will operate all of the locks in your home. No need to fumble trying to find the right key!
Are you locked out of your house? We pick locks and can get you back in. Just give us a call!
Do you know how many keys to your buildings currently exist? If you aren't using high security, restricted keyways then your employees can take their key to the hardware store and make as many copies as they'd like. However, effective key management is just the beginning. How many keys does your security guard currently have to carry? Should your dock clerks have access to HR records? Probably not, but the Fire Dept. should be able to access all parts of your facility in the event of an emergency. A Fire Key Lock Box, combined with a Master Key system allows us to tailor access throughout your facility in ways that reduce your liability while better securing your intellectual and real property, as well as trade secrets. It's your business, are you protected?
Is your building in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act? Do your locks and egress-control systems meet fire codes? If you're not sure, contact us today to schedule an evaluation.